The tick bites can be much danger to the dogs and it can even kill them. Preventing the tick bite on the dogs is not an easy thing, but still precautionary and remediation measures should be taken, as the ticks may cause the death of the dogs. If the dog is suffering from the infestation of the parasite, it could prove to be very dangerous.
Ticks Bring Various Pathogens to the Host’s Body
The ticks are the external parasites that can significantly affect the health of the dogs. Approximately the ticks have the 800 species and all of them are hematophagous. It means that they are feeding on the blood of the organisms on which they are being parasitized.
The ticks are potential organisms to act as parasites. So, they are capable to hold the other pathogens which are also transmitted to the body of the host and cause the diseases. Especially in the summer conditions when the dogs are going outside in the natural environments which are rich in the vegetation, then they are entering to the environment which is infested by the dangerous parasites.
So, the ticks can climb on the body of the dogs, start feeding the blood by piercing their skin and kill them.
Signs and Symptoms
If the infestation of the ticks is notorious it can cause anemia, progressive weight loss, weakness, and even death due to the extensive bleeding. Even only one tick is enough for transmitting the life-threatening diseases. Resultantly the dogs can die due to the transmitted diseases.
The rocky mountain spotted fever caused by the ticks is a triple threat to the lives of the dogs. The bacterium responsible for this disease infects the dogs in the subclinical and the acute phases. In the acute stage, the white blood cells of the dogs are affected and the bacterium may start reproducing inside these cells.
Within two weeks of getting bite by the tick, the dog may experience the cough, pink eye, renal failure, skin lesions, swelling of the joints, and the legs, seizures, and the loss of appetite.
Most of the dogs can recover from the acute phases if they do not enter the subclinical phase. The acute stage remains for a few months to the year or until the bacterium remains latent in the host. However, the long-term health and the sickness of the dog is dependent on the treatment by using the antibiotics.